"Ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku memohon daripada Engkau ilmu yang bermanfaat, rezeki yang baik dan amalan yang diterima"

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Went to the doctor...

Really not feeling well, at last pergi jugak ke Doktor. Penat! And maybe sebab hujan lebat gila cats & dogs, buat pertama kalinya I was first! Agak hebat disitu yer...

Doktor bilang, the result's gonna be negative anyway so there's no need for test until after a month late for period. Itu pun tgk org katanya sbb ada tu few weeks after "lewat" baru dpt +ve result. So now, we just have to wait. After all, he already told the whole FB tht he is separated.

Haih! I married a child, nak buat cemana. I guess it is OK now to let it out kan. Lagipun, tadi katanya sudah filed for divorced. And of course being himself he let me tell my family myself which I have yet to tell tho' I did asked nenda about it and her response was "fikir sendiri, larat ke tak larat"

Dalam maksud tu tapi hidup mesti diteruskan daripada manjang dibelenggu perempuan with FB screen-name AiNor Ayinni Kadir.

Bila ditengokkan dlm FB dia, manjang menempek link abt isteri derhaka etc, and tht happened after this year kantoi'an. Trying to justify his actionlah kan? Cakap aku licik padahal dia lagi licikkan?

Well, dia yg submit, dia yg uruskan, dia ug curang, pastuh nak put the blame on me? Tuhan lebih tahu...

Tamatlah penderhakaan aku sebagai isteri.

¤ Nora ¤


  1. sabar lah nora....men will always be men...been there, done that...teruskan hidup...dont look back...take care...

    p.s. i wonder who is this girl ure saying...

  2. tQ Nina for the kind words. Hidup musti diteruskan. Insyallah... May his blessing be with us. take care too ya.

    ps/He knew her since his first marriage.


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