"Ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku memohon daripada Engkau ilmu yang bermanfaat, rezeki yang baik dan amalan yang diterima"

Friday, April 1, 2011

I can't believe this happen again

And to the same customer of all that!!!*nanges

Alhamdulillah, IRFAN's frame replacement ok ajer. And the headband for her lil' girl is also in good condition.

I don't think I'll get another order from her but guess dah takder rezeki org cakap. Will make another replacement tho', nasib she needs that in May...

Sabar ajerlah... Shall I put this on my blogshop? What if this will scare the potential customer away?

But i wanna be honest to them... I just need to think for another alternative then i.e

1) glass shall ONLY be included for COD customers.
2) Extra-extra caution shall be took on the packaging. The padding shall be 2 more layers of styrofoam instead of 1 layer for each side ;)

This is quite a mystery because my other customers do not have the same problem. Alhamdulillah on that ;)


  1. Customer is always right.
    So if you need to protect with 3 layers, or you have to personally hand deliver it and mount it on the wall for the customer you have to do it.
    I think you just keep silent and maybe dont sleep to redo the damages rather than let the customers or potential ones know about it.

  2. You are right on both subjects. I will be doing just that :)


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