"Ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku memohon daripada Engkau ilmu yang bermanfaat, rezeki yang baik dan amalan yang diterima"

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Kelako OR not...

Ada org called the ofis looking for our Purchaser at first and afterwards MNA.

First call, suaranya di"lain"kan. Agak garau and agak gugup memulanya. Second time around suaranya sendiri. Cakap elok2 dan baik2. But me automatically bertukar jadik garang... AKu pakai speaker tho during first call Z*m cakap itu dia. And the 2nd call confirmed that. Aku hang up while he was thanking me... Kelako pun ada. Haishhhhhh!!!

Still, I feel nothing inside. Tak Gabra. Tak Gugup. Biasa ajer.

Good thing kan? I'm getting there, hopefully...


I just got a brilliant plan! Whenever tak kira masa, when I'm feeling the need to be MAD; I would just think of wht he said! It's easier to let go!!!! :bgrin:

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