"Ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku memohon daripada Engkau ilmu yang bermanfaat, rezeki yang baik dan amalan yang diterima"

Friday, June 19, 2009

Tak bleh cuti?

Huh!!! Bengang sungguh...

Yes, I took 2 days off right after OGA 2009.

I still have remaining more or less 18 ALs.

I filled up the AL form for another 3 days...

On 5th, 8th & 9th July [5th for adik Miezza's kenduri kawen; 8th & 9th for mom's eye surgery]

Upon faxed, i received this via SMS

Baru balik cuti dah apply next cuti plak. Ni betul2 cuti2 malaysia ni. Tgh prepare 'something' ke ni? @ 11:01:16 17-Jun-2009

Hmmmm... Macam ferli ada. Bergurau sarcastic pun ada. I laughed, mentioned the SMS to Z*m. I called. The AL request was not approved except on the 9th. Why? Reason being my other team-mates also need few days off and I just had mine last week. Furthermore, we had one big job for PP*SB and they need back-up on that. Macam ler aku ni org technical. Dang!!!

Still, I'll just let it be for the time being. I'll ask again early July. I really need the 5th & 8th off; not the 9th!!! It's been more than 10 years I did not see Miezza. The same goes to Jude [We met only for few hours last week to catch up for the time we lost due to our arrogance [?] I really need tht days off!!! I am missing them... so much. Urghhh!!!


Dang this broadband!!! Surfing the net in Gombak is such a luxury! angry Pictures, Images and Photos 


  1. Ya sure.

    Itu ler gambo2 paling molek di zaman dulu kala...

  2. paling molek? No you are being too polite


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