"Ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku memohon daripada Engkau ilmu yang bermanfaat, rezeki yang baik dan amalan yang diterima"

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Free Personal signatures - cool!

I am loving it here... MyLiveSignature.com
Yehaaaaa!!!! It's either


b'coz my favourite net nick is sungguh hodoh!!!!


I love the first one tho'... sgt berseni... thehehe

bcos i love this  SCRIPTINA font...

Hmmmm... should I put some colour in it?


tseh:: selepas di tempek sungguh huduh sekalik. Malas nak godek balik :-P

tetapi seperti biasa, makcik nak gakkkkkkk try lagik :bgrin:

tapi tetap tak seswai ngan blog ku yg hitam seperti tuannya... :-(


  1. So which one is your real life signature to withdraw money from the bank? :-)


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